Aug 18, 2008: Sugar for your screen
Watch the sun set over the Olympic Mountains from anywhere in the world at Dr. Dale's webcam. (Or check the webcam on a rainy February day and be glad you don't live here). The webcam looks across Hood Canal towards Brinnon, a small town located about 20 minutes north of the oyster farm. Although the oyster farm itself isn't in the picture, on the left of the webcam screen you can see the peaks of The Brothers and the headwaters of the Hamma Hamma river. Dr. Dale's map of the view from his webcam:

1 comment
I had Dr. Dale’s test page bookmarked…glad to see he went live.
I am actually working from Silverdale Starbucks and Library today and experiencing the rather dreary day (but we need the rain). Sue and an old dear friend from Minneapolis are at Frenchman’s Cove watching birds, walking the low tide and cooking lentil soup for dinner as I toil away. I hope to get there before 5 pm.Best;