Feb 26, 2013: Evening Magazine at the Oyster Farm

Sea Plane dwarfs the oyster barge!
This morning pilot Chuck and his trusty steed "Maggie" (the Kenmore Air / Evening Magazine sea plane) landed on the oyster farm... successfully dodging buoys, tumble bags, and our barge. It was quite exciting.
Meeghan Black, the host of Evening Magazine, and her camera man / partner in crime Howard, together with a pack of attendant oyster lovers, arrived at 9 just as the tide started dropping.
Fortunately they're an efficient bunch, and they got right to work filming on the barge before heading up on shore for some retail store/shucking room action.
We basically spent the morning shucking and baking oysters for the crew to eat, trying to look decent for the camera, and trying to not say anything outrageous.
In that latter effort we were marginally successful... and unfortunately the extremely ridiculous phrase "centuries and millenniums" was uttered on camera. (Meeghan reassured us that yes, they can edit the footage so that we sound smart.)
All in all it was a great day, and we have a ton of respect for Meeghan and her crew. There's a reason that show is fun to watch! The episode airs tomorrow night at 7 pm on King 5, and we're planning a viewing party at the local pub. Tune in for some oyster farmer eloquence.

We just watched the program and it was great. We are eager to come see Hama Hama ourselves.
Thanks Barbara! We had a lot of fun. We hope to see you at the farm sometime soon!