March Clamness

NCAA Proudly Presents...

The National Clam Athletic Association invites you back for another riveting round of intense bivalve competition: the Ultimate Clam Dish Competition! Catch the action only on @hamahamaoysters Instagram Story - pool play begins 3/24!

What does March Clamness entail?

Some years, lots of clam puns. This year, the ultimate clam preparation competition! Also, we'll send out discount codes for clams via our newsletter (sign up in our footer!) and are offering special clams for sale on our online store (hint, geoduck). 

How does this work?

We'll run polls in our Instagram story, beginning 3/24. 

This is a single elimination, winner take all contest.

Granted, we don't really know what the winner will be taking. And voting will require more knee-jerk reaction than rational thought.

That said, we're poking the bear with some of these Round 1 lineups, and exposing some long held deep seated rivalries. If you'd like to do your own research, here's what the pundits are saying!

More Research Needed? Buy Clams!

And then cook them!

(Not all of these dishes qualified for the tournament this year unfortunately, but they're working on their game and will potentially make an appearance in 2025!)