Mar 18, 2008: Ancient Oyster Photo Shoot, or how NASA faked the moon landing

Pacific oysters can grow really, really big if left to their own devices. We keep this monster oyster shell in our store to show to interested customers. It also goes on tour with us occasionally...down to Portland to decorate our booth at the NW Food and Wine Festival...over to Seattle for one of the numerous oyster events we participate in.
Big oyster, close-up of barnacles
Barnacles close-up
big oyster, vertical shell layers
Oyster tree-rings
Big oyster, holes in shell
In a later post we'll talk about oyster predators... one of which makes oysters develop the pock-marked pattern shown above.
Big oyster with little oyster
Piggy-back oyster.
T.J. with big oyster
T.J. and Jean Hsu, visiting from Texas, stopped by to take a tour of the farm, pick up a dozen oysters, and pose with the giant Pacific.
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[…] event called Foodportunity. We brought along lots of wood to decorate the table and used the big oyster as a […]

Foodportunity and Open Farm Photos | Hama Hama® Oyster Blog

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