July 12, 2010: unscenic sign

Last week we received a certified letter from the Highway Department telling us that our tree cookie sign is illegal. Even though it's located on the same property as our store, it's too far from the store to satisfy the scenic byway highway requirements. To that we said boo. But after brainstorming several creative responses to the situation we decided the best bet was to just remove the offensive object. The sign, cut from a 400 year old Douglas fir tree, had been up since 2008. And, truth be told: the wood wasn't weathering very well. In its illegal and illicit location the sign had a lot of southern sun exposure, and now, two years later, it's starting to crack up. Read about its construction here. sign-small1

Terrible, just hideous.


In other news: our old barge is up and running. You can see it in the photo above, enjoying life back out on the water. So the earlier post ("Last Run of the HH Battleax") was a little misleading. The Battleax lives!

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I totally depend on that hideous sign to tell me when it’s time to start slowing and put a blinker on! I say boo, too!


I know! It’s in such a good location. We’ll come up with something, but it won’t be as good.

boo, hoo!

Oyster Fan

God forbid that there should be a tastefully made sign placed on a busy highway telling folks slow down for the upcoming entrance to a 3rd(?) generation family owned business that helps support the local economy.



Oyster Fan

Shameful! The WA DOT should be supportive. Perhaps bombard all your elected officials with emails?? I would be glad to do so but would not do it without your permission. Perhaps might draw more attention and they would find other things to write you up for. Let me know….I can write a dandy letter expressing my outrage!


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