Oyster Blog — Oyster World
June 4, 2008: John Singer Sargent, from Bruce
Bruce from West Seattle shared with us this image of John Singer Sargent's masterpiece, the Oyster Gatherers of Cancale. Stop by Singer Sargent's website for a history of both the painting and Cancale's oyster industry. Thanks Bruce!
May 30, 2008: Sea Creatures Vote Humans off the Island
Acidified ocean water: terrible news for oysters, clams, and hermit crabs. Not to mention the entire ocean food chain and life on earth as we know it. From the Seattle Times: Seattle researchers were stunned to discover that vast swaths of acidified sea water are already showing up along the Pacific Coast as carbon dioxide from power plants, cars and factories mixes into the ocean. Acidified ocean water can be fatal to some fish eggs and larvae. It also interferes with the formation of shells and skeletons, harming corals, clams, oysters, mussels and the tiny plankton that are the basis...
May 19, 2008: Emeril and Martha cooking with Hama Hama
On Thursday, May 1st, the Martha Stewart Show featured guest chef Emeril Lagasse, who cooked up a fried oyster salad using Hama Hama oysters. Watch the show, get the recipe. Here are some of our favorite quotes from the show: "We're actually not using oysters from Louisiana today, we're using oysters from the Pacific, from Washington State... just because when we tasted these—they're called Hama Hama—and when we tasted these..." -Emeril "Look how plump" -Emeril "Oh so gorgeous!" -Martha "Look how beautiful they look" -Emeril "Oh my gosh" -Martha "They smell like the sea; they smell like salt... they're briny,...
Apr 14, 2008: Champion Deep Dish
Last weekend 22-year old Patrick "Deep Dish" Bertoletti, a professional eater from Chicago, consumed 35 dozen oysters in 8 minutes to win the Acme World Oyster Eating Championship in New Orleans. Read the AP article here for a glimpse into the weird world of competitive eating, and check out the Chicagoist for an up-close picture of Deep Dish.