Jan 21, 2010: Can't Work When the Tide Doesn't!

Farm work


A low pressure system has created extra high high tides and disarmingly high low tides for the past couple of days. Basically, the water hasn't gone out as far as expected... which makes work on the beach either wet and hurried or downright impossible.

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  • Oyster Fan on

    Thanks for the photos Bruce! The tide took everybody by surprise… we had to tell our pickers not to come to work! And thanks for sending the uwajimaya photo. They have a great seafood selection and it’s fun when they sell our oysters.

  • Bruce on

    Opps…wrong pix from Seattle….that was Sue and daughter Liana who is visiting from Ann Arbor. This is the pix I wanted to share:


  • Bruce on

    Yeah…we were at Frenchman’s Cove all last week. 12 foot plus tides are dramatic; esp. when it gets windy. However it was great for taking the canoe way up the adjacent stream by our place. Here is pix of morning high tide on our side of the canal last week:


    BTW, we went to Seattle last week and saw this at the Japanese Market in the International District:


    Think Spring! The new goodies at the store sound great BTW. Gotta get over and see the new digs sometime.


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