June 22, 2010: Joe Leonard Oyster House
Our neighbor and fellow oyster farmer Gary M. heard about our oyster shack documentation project and stopped by the other day with a collection of old photos to share. The oyster shack pictured below stands at the mouth of the Waketikeh Creek, the drainage immediately north of the Hamma Hamma. It's an old CCC cabin that was dragged down to the waterfront in the early 1940s. Between 1943 and 1945 several additions were built onto the building, as you can see in the photos below. The building was used as a shucking shack by the family up until the 1980s.

Joe Leonard Oyster, 1943 (above) and 1945 (below)

Joe Leonard oyster house today:
Check out Hood Canal's other historic oyster shacks:
Jorsted Creek (or is it Jorstad Creek?
Not pictured: the Gray's oyster processing house in Lilliwaup, which is still in operation!
Researching Trinton from an old November1935 postmarked envelop when my father was sent all the way from Los Angeles to recuperate from an auto accident as a young man. Had no other details. A beautiful, serene area.
I am a grandson of Joe Leonard and the brother of the present owner Gary.
My earliest memories and involvement with my Grand parents helped Me learn about family, work ethics, and the history of the area.
I learned to open or how to shuck oysters as soon as I was tall enough to stand at the shucking table. It was truly a family business in those days.
How I miss my grandparents Joe and Attona and spending time on the property.