Sep 14, 2010: Autumn, Again
Indian summer weather is here, and we love it. This weekend we'll be celebrating fall with some DIY food prep: picking wild chanterelles, pressing apple cider, and eating everything out of the garden before the caterpillars do.
The hub-bub of summer seed processing is over and tourists are getting scarcer, so the farm has seemed very peaceful of late. And, just in time to miss most of our summer business: raw oysters are back in season. Last Sunday we were lucky enough to go to a muscadet tasting at Campagne restaurant in Seattle, where Chef Daisley Gordon paired muscadet with oysters from yours truly and Emerald Acres Shellfish Co. The oysters were served first raw, then fried with a fennel salad and a caper viniagrette, and followed by halibut quenelles. Three types of muscadet were served with each course. The format allowed you to focus in on the wine and catch differences created by changes in producer, age, or technique. We go to lots of oyster and wine events, but this was by far the most informative.