Oyster Blog
Last week Hama Hama got re-energized by a visit from Brother Tom, who has been studying forestry in Mongolia and is pretty much an awesome human being. Despite his surprising affinity for sundried horse yogurt, Tom can't quite stomach the...
We've had a few days of heavy rain so far this fall, and the streams are just barely navigable for these hardworking fish. Check out our facebook page for a video.
The Big Hump fire, which is burning to the north of us up the Duckabush drainage, has grown from 50 to 400 acres in the past week or so. Today the sky is so full of smoke we can't see...
For some reason, whenever Gemma and her family and friends come out to the farm for an Open Farm, the weather's spectacular: bright and sunny, with just enough of a breeze to keep you cool. And this crowd definitely knows...
There are at least three versions of the Hama Hama Song: Grandma Penny's classic, the Bollywood ridiculous, and, now, Guster's rock version: "... and we slept on an oyster farm, b**ches!"
Here are some photos from our barge ride last week with Urban Farmer. The weather was perfect for a short little jaunt out on the Canal... we took some time to liberate a bucket of sea creatures that had been stranded...
Here are the two images we used in our Christmas cards this year, followed by a picture of the high tide this morning. We ARE feeling a little swamped right now, but at least the delivery truck is high and dry....
... and let's hope it doesn't wash all the oysters off the beach. It's sunny here on the farm today, but we're in for it this weekend because a positively obscene looking storm is on the way. Check out this...
We've put crab on sale in the store, and crab cakes. And, just for the fun of it: some really good Italian red table wine is also on sale. Not that there's anybody out on the roads. It's about 20...
We weren't dreaming of a white Thanksgiving, but it looks like we might get one!