Chanterelle Oyster Tray Pass When you have ingredients as shiny as fresh oysters and chanterelle mushrooms, your only job is to not get in their way. This very easy baked-oyster can be completed in under 30 minutes and is the...
A refreshing twist on a classic holiday side, courtesy of Kourtney from Cutemeat.
We've gone round and round about whether we should ever use the words "oyster" and "pudding" in the same sentence. Fortunately this dish is so darn delicious it can unite even the most polarized team. And, oyster bread pudding has a long history even if it sounds novel to our modern "I only eat oysters on the half shell" selves. It's called a pudding (and not a stuffing or a casserole) because it's made of egg yolk and cream.
Advice on cooking & freezing oysters and clams.
Hood Canal's answer to the Atlantic lobster roll.
Our Oyster Saloon manager Shawn Mitchell moved to Lilliwaup from Tennessee, bringing some southern flavor with him and rocking our world.
A new twist on a very old school oyster preparation.
The inspiration for oyster sausage comes from the 1988 cookbook Northwest Bounty: The Extraordinary Foods and Wonderful Cooking of the Pacific Northwest. The authors claim that you have not lived until you have gone to the trouble of making, then...
All of our favorite things in one tasty package. Horseradish Cheddar Grilled Oysters Makes enough sauce for about 1 dozen oysters. We recommend grilling our "small" oysters, which are slightly larger than the oysters usually served on the half shell....
A yummy alternative to traditional oyster stew.
With super-fresh Pacific oysters, less is always more when it comes to condiments. But here are a few (very basic) tips for raw oyster toppings.