Dec 2, 2008: Now Available: Holiday Gift Packs & you-cut Christmas Trees

Each year we comb through our brick-and-mortar store for delicious holiday treats to offer online. This year we've put together a Northwest sample pack, featuring chocolate from Theo Chocolates, cheese from Mt. Townsend Creamery, crackers from La Panzanella, and smoked salmon and oysters from yours truly.

We're also offering a raw oyster basket, featuring 2.5 dozen of our extra small Hama Hamas, a lemon, a shucking knife, and a how-to guide to shucking oysters.

 Available through the end of the year from our online store, or by calling 888-877-5844. We wish we could sell Hama Hama Christmas trees online... but alas they don't fit well in our shipping boxes. If you live in the Puget Sound area and want to go on a holiday adventure to our very remote and very beautiful you-cut Christmas tree farm, give us a call. Trees are $15 each, and the farm is located way up in the foothills of the Olympics, so drive an appropriate (i.e. 4-wheel drive) rig.

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