Aug 25, 2009: It does feel like fall..

News from Here

but don't worry, snow is still a long ways off. Several weeks ago we lost our camera's battery charger. Since then, we've had to rely on our friends for blog photos. Today we finally bit the bullet and ordered a new charger online, so we'll have current photos to share with you soon. But in the meantime, check out this beautiful shot that Chris shared with us last week. It's a photo, taken last winter, of the Hamma Hamma valley. You can see the metal roof of our live tank storage building along the shore. lilliwaup-by-chris-welp

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  • chris on

    I guess this view is going to change with the proposed gravel pit/mine.

  • Oyster Fan on

    Yes it will! The view will improve, because we’re going to reforest the current pit (which is very visible from the road and water) and start digging from the other side, where it won’t be visible.

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