Aug 9, 2010: Oyster Herpes Spreads to the UK

For the past several years oyster farmers in France have seen their oyster beds decimated by a new, more virulent strain of oyster herpes. The virus stays dormant until water temperatures get above 61 degrees Fahrenheit and then attacks oysters just as they are weakened by the effort of reproducing, killing as much as 80% of the population. Now the virus has popped up in the UK. According to this National Geographic article, the disease may have spread on oyster harvesting equipment. A less virulent strain of oyster herpes has been detected in California... but let's hope this European monster bug doesn't cross the pond. Here's a neat photo of oysters spawning:
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[…] for widespread mortality in French oyster farms. Since then the French strain of the disease has popped up in Britain. Now oyster herpes is being blamed for the 80% mortality that farmers in New Zealand are […]

Oyster Herpes Outbreak in New Zealand | Hama Hama® Oyster Blog

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