Mar 16, 2011: More smartphone oysters

First oysterpedia, now oyster guru. There's another oyster iPhone app on the market, this one (according to the LA Times) from Greg Cohen, an oyster guru. It describes Hama Hamas as being high salinity, which is normally incorrect (Hood Canal being much less salty than the ocean), but we're quite impressed that the guru knows extra small Hama Hamas are not available from July thru September. Meanwhile, the oysterpedia description of Hama Hama oysters is so funny it made us laugh out loud....
"Hama Hama oysters have been harvested by the Hama Hama Company out of the Hama Hama River since 1922. The river runs through forests in the Olympic Mountains and ends up emptying into the Hood Canal."
That's the end of the funny stuff. Disturbingly, this text sounds like it was pulled from our website, so maybe the joke's on us. Did we really put six Hamas in one sentence? Would we do that to ourselves?!?
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in the oyster iphone ap, you must mean NOT available from July through Sept…and in the other one, it’s not the 6 hamas that make me giggle, it’s the idea of getting the oysters out of the river…

Oyster Fan Fan

hmm… I’ll make that change. Thanks eagle eye.

Oyster Fan

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