Oyster Blog
Our oysters come in all different sizes, and yesterday both ends of the spectrum came across the packing table. Teresa documented it with her camera phone. A perfectly small yearling: And here is an oyster we would call a medium, simply...
Indian summer weather is here, and we love it. This weekend we'll be celebrating fall with some DIY food prep: picking wild chanterelles, pressing apple cider, and eating everything out of the garden before the caterpillars do. The hub-bub of summer...
A couple of weeks ago we put the beginning touches on our very first tumble farm. The tumble farm is an energy-friendly oyster pruning device. We spend our days working around the tide,...
We caught this oyster spawn event just at the right moment... 15 minutes later and the spawn was gone, dispersed by the currents.
Whose idea was it to designate August 5th National Oyster Day? Is there an Australian prankster embedded in the Bureau of Obscure Food Holidays who's sabotaging our ability to truly celebrate our nation's most valuable bivalve? If you haven't already...
Well, it's that time of year again. Summertime. And the oysters are doing what they do: getting spawny. And you can no longer eat them raw because of naturally-occurring salt water bacteria. We've all been here before. If you look...
We sell two styles of oyster knife in the store: a Dexter Russel with a long blade and a generic short handled knife with a short blade. The size of the blade you need depends on the size of the...
A couple of months ago Adam pulled some seed out of a grow-bag and brought it into the store to shuck. The oysters had led sheltered lives... they hadn't yet been tumbled or tossed around on the beach, and so...
We've never noticed before how colorful Olympia oyster shells are. They're full of earth tones: browns, deep purples, and mossy greens. There are places on the farm where Olympias are abundant. They live on and amongst the larger Pacific oysters....
It's been hot and dry for weeks, the water has warmed up, and the oysters are starting to spawn. And this is actually a really good thing, because although we do buy oyster seed, we rely on natural "sets" to...
The flotsam and jetsam is getting sillier every day. Some oysters have absolutely no taste: yesterday we found one that had permanently attached itself to a fake snake.