Oyster Blog
The fringe, or bill, is the most colorful part of the oyster shell. Sometimes the bill is dark, sometimes it's very light: Or even multi-colored: This analysis of oyster cultivation in Korea claims that an oyster's shell color, along...
In light of the previous post exhorting everyone to cook all shellfish, we thought it appropriate to offer a guide to barbecuing oysters. You need: Barbecue. Or fire. Oyster knife (or equivalent), plus gloves, hot pads, and/or tongs for handling...
Yes! You can find pearls in Hama Hama oysters. The shuckers normally find several a day. Pacific oyster pearls aren't valuable, but they are really cool. (Jewelry pearls are produced by pearl oysters, which are in...
Wednesday, June 4th was the lowest tide of the year. The tide dropped to -4.3 around noon, and then rose to a 12.3 high tide in the evening. A group of people from the Seattle Oceanaire restaurant came out to...
The camera caught up with Adam and Louie wandering through the single oyster pens one blindingly-sunny day in late March. It was the first daylight low tide of the season. Hello there! Finding an oyster to sample wasn't terribly difficult....
The ideal oyster is cup-shaped with a wide, fluted edge tapering towards the hinge. Healthy, growing oysters are very fluted and frequently very colorful, whereas an oyster that's starting to atrophy will have rounded, colorless edges. The oyster above was...
The stork recently dropped off a crate of oyster seed from a California hatchery. Here's a handful of them: Jose and Cleo spent an afternoon putting the babies into grow-out bags: which will protect the seed...
Pacific oysters can grow really, really big if left to their own devices. We keep this monster oyster shell in our store to show to interested customers. It also goes on tour with us occasionally...down to Portland to decorate our...
According to the Principia Cybernetica Project's definition of happiness, happy people are characterized by the belief that they are able to control their situation, whereas unhappy people tend to believe that they are a toy of fate. Yet another...