Oyster Blog
The Nature Conservancy has just released the first ever report on the state of the world's oyster populations. The prognosis is bad: 85% of the global oyster habitat has been destroyed by development, pollution, and destructive fishing practices. Read the...
Trifecta! A Pacific oyster, a blood oyster (see earlier post), and a kumamoto. Like the Pacific, the kumamoto oyster (Crassostrea sikamea) originally hails from Japan. Some people think the kumo is a variety of Pacific (Crassostrea gigas) that evolved in...
Follow this link to a Seattle Times article about abalone in Puget Sound, complete with a video of the little creatures moving around.
Cousin Jesse pulled this thing up with his shrimp pot yesterday during the last day of the recreational shrimp season. It's about 5 feet long, and is rigid at the base and flexible at the top, kind of like a...
On Monday a group of Bellevue Christian School students came by to tour the oyster farm. They were on the first day of a week long field trip around the Olympic Peninsula. We walked out on the tideflats to look...
Sandworms (genus Nephtys) live in the mid-intertidal to deep-sea area. We found this worm while digging for littleneck clams at the edge of the Hama Hama delta. They are nocturnal predators, and use the proboscis to capture their prey: small...
...and specifically, the joys of harvesting your own oysters and clams at Potlatch State Park. We probably couldn't say it better: Moss-covered alders lean together over the roadway; the Olympic Mountains are mirrored in the glassy, cold water. The icy...
We spent the entire day processing a couple of boat loads of Hood Canal spot prawns. Now we're totally exhausted, but excited about the super tasty shrimp. If you want to experience the thrill of fresh shrimp (and that sounds...
Both the weather and the sea cucumbers cooperated for last weekend's open farm day. About 20 people came to pick oysters, eat oysters, and explore the tideflats. The day involved lots of pointing and exclaiming over all sorts of creatures,...
Mystery solved! To everyone except native Lilliwaupians the blood oyster is known as a rock oyster, or jingle shell. Officially, the animal is called Pododesmus cepio. Other names include Pacific jingle, blister shell, false jingle shell, green false jingle shell,...
We don't know what this is. And neither did these three graybeards, who between them have nearly a century and a half of experience in the Hood Canal oyster industry: Nathan is the only one who wasn't shocked at the...