Oyster Blog
Evan finishing up the rockwork We moved the stained glass window from the old store into the new building Rich finishing off the sales counter Red.
but still not hoity toity:
Our friend Evan from Villines Masonry worked all last week (in the record breaking heat) putting a Hamma Hamma river rock facade on the new building. Here he is below, drinking a Bubble Up: Portable sawmiller Dan Stewart milled up...
First of all: people who know that they don't like oysters shouldn't be surprised that when they eat an oyster, they don't like it. Second of all: oysters wrapped in bacon don't taste like bacon, they taste like oysters wrapped...
People always come into the retail store asking for geoduck, and we always disappoint. But not this weekend: today Dave and Jim spent a few hours out on the nether reaches of the tideflats, digging geoduck. We have 25 or...
We spent the entire day processing a couple of boat loads of Hood Canal spot prawns. Now we're totally exhausted, but excited about the super tasty shrimp. If you want to experience the thrill of fresh shrimp (and that sounds...
Both the weather and the sea cucumbers cooperated for last weekend's open farm day. About 20 people came to pick oysters, eat oysters, and explore the tideflats. The day involved lots of pointing and exclaiming over all sorts of creatures,...
One Saturday a few weekends ago at least ten customers came into the seafood store asking for mussels. And that got us thinking: why don't we sell mussels? There are plenty out on the beach. So last Friday Nathan and...
We are very proud.