Oyster Blog
This little guy came in with the spot prawns last week. He lost his right paw somewhere along the way. After a little sleuthing we determined that he's a squat lobster: According to Emerald Diving, squat lobsters are actually just...
Meet our newest aquarium addition! Anemones eat small fish and shrimp. Be glad you're not a little fish stuck in an aquarium with a hungry anemone: each tentacle contains a harpoon-like structure that injects a toxin into the anemone's prey....
There used to be only a few of these little critters on the beach, now there are thousands. They're very, very sociable, and like to congregate on muddy sections of beach. We didn't know what to call them, but someone...
Not quite as scary as the cougar, unless you happen to be an oyster.
Yesterday while filming the shuckers we discovered a gunnel hiding in the oyster pile. The little fish was making the most of his situation, and had his mouth stuffed with oyster meat: We decided to put the plucky gunnel into...
Another mystery from the deep. This one came in on a tub that had been soaking for several weeks at a negative tide level. It was purple and wide eyed, and it could suction itself to the bottom of a bucket...
We started out feeding the aquarium monsters cooked bay shrimp, then we discovered that they go absolutely nutso over raw oysters. So now we feed them oysters every couple of days or so. But the other day as a very...
A shore crab was tumbling along the aquarium wall the other day and we noticed that he had funny little hairy patches on the inside of his claws. Then we started paying attention, and we discovered that many of the...
So far, the gunnels are our favorite aquarium pet. Everything else is just plain mean. Cutie pie. They’re pretty shy (or, more likely: nocturnal), and normally stay hidden under rocks and shells, but this morning there was an impromptu gunnel...
About a year ago Nathan brought in this strange-looking crab. It was about the same size as a regular shore crab, but it had a much different shape and nobody had ever seen anything like it on the beach. After...
We've been wondering what these creatures are for quite some time, and we still don't really have an answer. But we're pretty sure they're parchment tube worms... or at least that name makes the most sense to us. The mysterious...
Sand dollars are very social animals.